I'm a Shipper
I'm a Forwarder
I'm a Carrier

Want to reduce costs by up to 13% and save 30% of time for your coworkers?

Work efficiently with your carriers

Your own freight exchange to optimally distribute and offer cargo, find transport, conduct auctions and get the best rates

Wasting your time offering cargo or transport to each partner individually?

Work efficiently with your shippers and carriers

Your own platform to optimally distribute and offer cargo and transportation. Communicate in one place, conduct auctions and get the best rates

Wasting your time offering transport to each shipper individually?

Work efficiently with your shippers

Receive shipping orders and offer your vehicles on your private platform. Provide a modern and efficient service to your customers.

Supercharge your transportation operations.
Rule the success of your logistics with Roolz

One place for work with all partners

Do you offer your cargo or transport to each of your partners individually via emails, calls or messengers? You are not only wasting time and money, but also the opportunity to grow your business. Roolz helps you consolidate communication and organization of transportation with your business partners in one place to increase efficiency.

Invite partners to work efficiently together

Invite your trusted carriers, forwarders and shippers to become partners with you on your private exchange on Roolz. It allows you and your partners to save a lot of time and make deals faster. The better your service and communication, the more loyal your partners are to you.

Privacy, Security & Control

Manage who can receive your offers and who can send their cargo or vehicle offers to you. Group your partners based on reliability, activity, due payments and more. Only your business partners see the offers that you sent them privately. It's secure and convenient.

Get automatic matches for your offers

Do you want to immediately see whose transport or cargo suits you? Let your business partner send you their offers so that Roolz automatically finds the right cargo or vehicle for you according to the route, truck type and transportation requirements. And due to competitive bidding, you will get an optimal and fair rate.

Get integrated and benefit from automation

Automatic publication of cargo and available transport on the exchange. Integrating Roolz with your TMS and CRM will help your employees spend less time on the routine and allow them to work more productively, focusing on what makes the bottom line.

Want to learn more?
Let's talk to explore the benefits

Our goal is to help you and your colleagues get the job done faster and easier, and help your company be more efficient both commercially and operationally through a combination of new technologies and approaches.

Rule the success of your logistics with Roolz