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How to find fair shipping rates?

Run competitive bidding on Roolz. Collect, compare and select bids with the best price
I'm a Shipper

Purchase transparently and profitably

Forget about comparing bids “in your head”. Collect, compare and select the best transportation offers conveniently on a single platform. Easy and efficient.
I'm a Carrier

Sell profitably

Bargain to reach a mutually beneficial shipping rate. Compare options, make bids, compete to win profitable freight.
“The market dictates the rules, and the lack of bidding hurts the shipper and the carrier. Without efficient trading some of them lose money.”

Purchase and sell services competitively

Choose bidding mode that suits your goals.

Set rules and quickly find the respondent to take your offer.


When service and flexibility matter
Competitive basis of bidding. Competition not only in pricing, but also in terms of transportation. You select the winner.


When costs come first
The bid with the lowest price wins. The winner is determined automatically. You can always reject bids and exclude participants.


Perfect for contract freight
Fixed cost with competing transportation conditions. You choose the winner yourself.

Want direct allocate shipping orders without competition? Specify “Book now”, and the first response will win immediately.


If you like the “old-fashioned” way
When you want to post an offer without bidding mechanics and just wait for messages, emails or calls.

Settings for Bidding

Flexibility. Automation. Innovation.

Price increase until the first bid

Not sure about the competitiveness of your price and shipment rates? Set up an automatic price increase until the first bid has been received. The price in your offer will increase until it becomes attractive to the participants.

Automatic bidding extension for last-minute bids

Receive bids from the participants that are used to making them at the very last moment. Enable auto-extension for late bids to get as many bids as possible.

Bidding privacy

Don't want the participants to see their competitors? You can hide the bidders, bid prices as well as the comments.

Automation and Innovation

When there is less routine and more efficiency
Matched offers: 27

Automatic search for cargo and transport

Publish your cargo, and the system will automatically find and offer suitable carriers and available transport. Carriers will also see whether your cargo suits them and will then be able to offer their services.


Messenger for logistics
Tired of being scattered all over different messengers? Communicate with partners and colleagues on a single platform conveniently and confidentially.
Group chats and channels
Join communities, create public or private groups for team discussions. Share news, vacancies and much more in the channels.
Roolz is like a social network, but for businesses in the world of cargo transportation
We are a platform for unlimited collaborations that allows you to determine how you work and who you work with. Our mission is to help you do this quickly, efficiently and profitably.