Clarity and efficiency
and modern collaboration with regular carriers and shippers
Purchase transparently, ship efficiently
Control and grow your carrier network
“Your base of carriers is the foundation of the security of your logistics using outsourced transport”.
Distribute cargo faster
Save your time with centralized and convenient cargo distribution through Roolz.
Compare bids and purchase optimally
Collect, compare and select the best transportation offers conveniently in one place. Let carriers compete for your cargo and help you reduce transportation costs.

Partnership management
Group partners
Assign employees in charge of the partners
Track partnerships
Privacy means privacy
Interested in a private exchange for your company?
Competitive Bidding for Cargo Transportation
Choose transparently and profitably
You choose the winner yourself.
The winner is selected automatically.
Want direct allocate shipping orders without competition? Specify “Book now”, and the first response will win immediately.
Automation and Innovation
Automatic search for cargo and transport
Public exchange

Didn't find any suitable offers from regular partners?
Public exchange will expand your capacity and opportunities
FAQ: Frequently asked questions
What is a private freight exchange? How is it different from public exchange?
Private exchange is a private platform that allows to search for transportation opportunities, conduct bidding and organize transportation among your trusted partners privately, conveniently and transparently. Moreover, private exchange allows participants to systematically develop and control their list of contractors and customers in cargo transportation.
Public exchange primarily involves organizing spot transportation among the companies that are unfamiliar or do not collaborate on a regular basis. Private exchange is dedicated to contract logistics and cooperation with permanent and trusted partners.
I am a shipper. When and why do I need private exchange?
Private freight and transport exchange is primarily used when working within the framework of contract freight or when having a large list of trusted carriers and forwarders. Using private exchange has the following benefits:
- Convenience, speed and time efficiency due to the centralized interaction with partners. Why waste time offering cargo to everyone separately when this can be done in one system? Collecting and comparing proposals in one place is much more productive and efficient both for you and your partners than doing it across different platforms and "in your head". You receive faster responses while your employees can be more productive.
- Reducing transportation costs through bidding and auctions. Let partners compete with rates and terms of transportation so you can conveniently choose the most suitable and profitable offer.
- Transparency of the procurement process and cargo distribution. You can immediately see who offered what and to whom. Moreover, bidding and auctions will help you understand why. You will also be able to numerically evaluate the activity of your partners.
- Expanding the capabilities and safety of your logistics using outsourced transport. Keep your records centralized and grow your list of partners in order to have larger choice and reduce the risks of working with unverified companies on the spot market. Looking for new partners? Find them in the directory of companies on Roolz.
- Clarity and order, when “everything is laid out on the shelves.” All your partners are in one space and all processes are systematized.
I'm a carrier. When and why do I need private exchange?
This may be necessary if your customers distribute private and contract cargo through Roolz private exchange. In other cases, using private exchange has the following benefits:
- Flow of private and contract cargo from many customers in one place. Roolz private exchange allows you to provide digital services to your customers. The easier and more convenient it is for the customers to work with you, the more loyal they will be to you. At the same time, no capital investment is required from your side to create such digital service. Roolz is ready and developing quickly.
- Convenience and speed of searching for loadings. You no longer need to write and offer available transport to each customer individually. Publish your transport offer for your partners and Roolz will find suitable cargo, including the offers from the public exchange as well. This will allow you to determine the most profitable transportation deal.
- You can find more new customers for permanent work and contracts in Roolz company directory.
Does anyone else see my private cargo and vehicles?
No one else can see your partners, groups, cooperation history, correspondence and private offers for cargo and transport. Even more: if you don't indicate a specific partner as a recipient of the offer, then they will not have access to it. Only partners or groups of partners that you select can have access to your offers.
How is Roolz private exchange different from TMS?
Not all expensive transportation management systems (TMS) have acceptable functionality for effectively organizing transportation by the outsourced transport. The limitations of such systems also result in the limitations of logistics and business. Roolz is a specialized and flexible platform for organizing cargo transportation not only within contract logistics, but also on the open spot market. Therefore, many companies integrate their systems with us. In addition, Roolz has the following noticeable advantages:
- Convenience and efficiency for yourself and for your partners. When there are many customers and each of them offers cargo in a different system, it becomes very inconvenient for carriers and forwarders. They have to "jump" across every system to find cargo offers. This leads to the fact that the partner agrees to the first more or less suitable transportation, without even reaching or seeing your offer. This inconvenience becomes critical when market is on the side of the carriers, i.e. if it is not convenient for the carriers to work with you then you might lose money and miss the deadlines.
- Consistency without expensive integrations. The vast majority of carriers represent small and medium-sized businesses that will not integrate with individual customer systems. It is expensive, time-consuming and risky for them. Therefore, Roolz becomes a place of centralisation and unity for many of them. Why even spend money on separate integrations with 20 customers when you can work through Roolz without any integrations?
- Speed through communication. Your employees and partners won't need to scatter across different instant messengers and emails. Communication through Roolz is convenient and reliable.
- End-to-end capacity. You offer transport requests and carriers proactively publish their available transport. In other words, you can see the capabilities of your carriers without even offering cargo to them. It becomes possible if it is convenient for the carrier to place their offers. However, in case of individual TMS it is most often extremely inconvenient for the companies to publish their free transport in each of their partners' system separately.
Is Roolz private exchange only for logistics and procurement?
Roolz private exchange is created in a way to simultaneously satisfy the needs and tasks of various departments of the company: logistics, supplies, procurement, sales, expedition, dispatching, finance and security.
How can I integrate Roolz with our ERP/TMS/CRM/IMS?
The access to the integration is currently available upon request. Depending on your needs, we can offer suitable integration options. Contact us via
How can I add my partners?
If your partner is already registered with Roolz, then just send them a partner invitation in their company profile. Once the invitation is accepted, your partner will appear on your private freight exchange. If your partner is not registered with Roolz yet, then they first need to register and create a company profile on Roolz.