`SARA Logistics`
Operador logístico
Empleados:51 - 150
Envíos por mes:101 - 500
Sobre la empresa

"SARA LOGISTICS" LLC was established with the aim of providing quality service for cargo transportation on all means of transport. "Azerbaijan Railways" CJSC operates as a freight operator. Our company provides reliable transportation, storage and cargo transportation services. The head office of the company is located in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan. "Sara Logistics" is represented by branches and joint ventures in Azerbaijan and abroad. The peculiarity of our company is the ability to completely independently manage and service cargo at ports and railway terminals. Also, our auto-transportation international freight services provide various services in 29 countries of the world.

SARA Logistics offers a wide range of professional services in transit, import and export cargo movement by all means of transport. Our company is ready to provide complete logistics solutions for cargo transportation, including door-to-door delivery. SARA Logistics has successfully proven itself as a reliable and responsible partner in the field of international transport.

We will be glad to cooperate with you.

Thank you!

Tipo de empresa

Empresa privada

Servicios logísticos

Tipos de transportación

Transporte de mercancías por carretera

Transporte marítimo y fluvial

Transporte ferroviario

Carga multimodal

Tipos de carga y transporte

Carga general

Carga de grupaje

Entrega puerta a puerta


Carga sobredimensionada

Carga proyecto

Carga a temperatura controlada


Carga a granel

Transporte de contenedores

Servicios logísticos

Transporte de mercancías

Servicios del operador logístico

Gestión de pedidos

Seguro de carga

Seguro de transporte

Información de contacto

Correo electrónico

Número de teléfono
